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Spotify Brief - Initial Ideas

 Idea 1:

The idea of using QR codes or NFC tags, which will enable people when they tap their phone on the tag, to be invited to help control the music, it won't allow people to skip songs or add more than 3 songs an hour to up next, or control the volume or play/pause a song, but it will allow people who use the tag to add songs to the playlist that they want to listen to, and will allow up to 3 songs an hour to be added to up next. This limit makes sure that people don't just constantly add songs that they like, but allows more people to play what they want to listen to. This will then keep everyone happy at a party, without someone having to monitor the music all night and not enjoying themselves. Only the owner of the playlist and the owner off of the speaker can control the main actions, such as controlling the volume, skipping songs, clearing the up next and play/pausing the music. 

This feature should be made easy to use and when you open up the link from the NFC tag it will invite the person to share what they are listening to, onto social media, it will then share instantly to social media and the two platforms will stay connected allowing a sort of 'radio' concept onto social media, the link will expire after 24 hours or for the length of the playlist being kept open, whichever comes first.

Idea 2:

As one of the many complaints with Spotify was a collaboration in playlists with friends at a party, I would like to be able to add a feature to allow someone to share a playlist link on social media, this can be done by using one of the many cool animated characters or illustrations, once people click on the illustration, it will invite you to collaborate on the playlist shared, so then whether you are hosting a dinner party, people can add songs in advance to the playlist to enable everyone to have the choice in what is playing.
